Math Resources

A Complete List of
Online Math Resources
Many people share a common fear- math. Math anxiety is rampant everywhere from public schools all the way to college courses. One of the best ways to improve your math skills while addressing your anxiety is simply to practice.
Gone are the days when your only resources existed in the course-provided textbook and the math teacher. The Internet has produced dozens of math resources to help you, whether you need assistance with basic math for a younger audience, algebra, or differential equations.
Below is a list of some valuable time-saving math resources covering the gamut of subjects from fractions to calculus. This article includes explanations, sample problems and solutions, practice tests, diagrams and flowcharts, and even games. If improving your math skills is your goal, this is a great place to begin.
Practicing math online helps to reinforce skills in a fun and easy-to-access way. Students can work through difficult concepts and gain practice before returning to the classroom. In a private home environment, students are more comfortable working through challenges and learning.
Basic Math Resources
bills itself as the #1 educational site for games. Also a hotspot for reading games, Funbrain features a math “arcade” and a sports connection with math basement to reach learners with different interests.
AAA Math has numerous interactive arithmetic lessons. Topics covered include addition, counting, comparing, decimals, equations, estimations, graphs, fraction, multiplication, and more. You can also sort topic by the grade level, starting with kindergarten and ending with eighth grade.
Aplus Math caters to grades K-12 so you will find a wide variety of math topics here. The site has flashcards, games, homework help, and practice work sheets.
Math is fun is geared towards younger learners. The site offers the opportunity to learn about measurement and also provides worksheets. More complex learning opportunities can be found under the “algebra” or “geometry” tabs.
Homeschool math is a great resource, even if children are not homeschooled. The site has math practice broken down by grade level and there are also entire lessons and worksheets available. It’s easy to check in to the grade level to determine what the student needs to learn or already should have mastered.
Educational Math Games Online
Worried that math can never be fun? It’s simply not true. Today’s math games are interactive and help to reinforce skills while enjoying yourself. There are many math games available online and for free. These websites are some great examples of how easy it is to find math
CoolMath4Kids also separates their website into different categories. Learners can see the connection between math and their future careers while playing games. There is even an Ipad app for this website!
Math Playground caters to grades K-12 so you will find a wide variety of math topics here. The site has flashcards, games, homework help, and practice work sheets.
Sheppard Software has ideal math practice for younger students, including a popular balloon pop multiplication game. In addition, students can work on games where they alter the difficulty level of the math they are playing (between easy, medium and hard) and focus on skills like counting money or telling time.
Funbrain bills itself as the #1 educational site for games. Also a hotspot for reading games, Funbrain features a math “arcade” and a sports connection with math basement to reach learners with different interests.
Algebra Resources
Algebra is the math of equations, first discussed in late middle school or early high school. Although many students struggle to understand algebra, there are several important concepts in the field that form the basis for future study in math. Many resources are available online to assist with algebraic understanding, and students can have their pick from basic video reviews to fun games
Purple Math is a great choice for students struggling with algebraic concepts. One great benefit of this site is that they break down “trick questions” to teach students a process to help them identify difficult test questions.
Homeschool Math also has a specific algebra section with the questions and concepts broken down by grade level. Additionally, the website has a great wealth of information about curriculum for the parent who wants to understand where there child is at.
Math Bits is an excellent resource for the student who wants to practice their algebra skills while playing games. Complete with worksheets for recording answers, the site also shares information about choosing a graphing calculator and links to tutoring assistance.
Kendall Hunt has 11 chapters of “Discovering Algebra” if students are struggling with their current book or teacher. Getting a different perspective can be very helpful, as well as the calculator notes and parent guide available here.
Geometry Resources
With geometry’s many connections to the visual display of math, it’s a common place for student concerns. Formulas are critical for understanding geometry, and thankfully there are multiple places to review practice questions and answers on the web. Other popular ideas include a problem of the week, where students can work through problems on a regular basis to remember geometric formulas and processes.
Regents Prep Center is a great choice for students struggling with algebraic concepts. One great benefit of this site is that they break down “trick questions” to teach students a process to help them identify difficult test questions.
The U.S. government has a collection of resources available with options for presentations to study and a math forum. The site has a “problem of the week” for additional practice as well
The Math Forum has an entire section devoted to Internet geometry projects. They include an internet math hunt and problems of the week. breaks geometry down into different principles for students to review. At the end of each section there is a unit quiz.
Resources on Differential Equations
Differential equations as a course of study is known as some of the most difficult mathematics concepts and is typically taught at the college level. The Internet is full of resources to review the foundational ideas and work through complex problems. These websites are perfect for learners of all styles, since they include applets and videos in addition to previous student projects in differential equations.
Calculus Revisited has a number of videos and study materials available for differential equations. Video lectures and notes provide a helpful review or introduction for struggling students.
University of Michigan’s Differential Equations Page highlights previous DE projects and links to various labs associated with the subject. The page also has some additional links at the bottom of the site
Math DL separates the topics in differential equations out and has links for resources for each one. The site includes java applets, videos and notes.
Bio Math Dynamics breaks geometry down into different principles for students to review. At the end of each section there is a unit quiz.
Pre-Calculus Resources
As the educational forerunner to calculus, pre-calculus lays out the important concepts that students will build upon in later classes. The most popular approach for calculus websites is to break pre-calculus theories and formulas into separate lessons. This makes it easier for students to find assistance based on the portion of the course they are challenged by.
The Math Page has a number of videos and study materials available for differential equations. Video lectures and notes provide a helpful review or introduction for struggling students.
Brightstorm has a wealth of knowledge on notation and theory of pre-calculus problems. Pausable videos present information that allows students to work their own pace. Students can also search the website by the concept they are looking for.
CoolMath is filled with the different subjects in pre-calculus divided into different lessons. Students can also access motivation and study tips. This site would be especially helpful for a student reviewing for a final examination.
CalcChat has numerous opportunities for students to ask questions through their virtual community. A moderated chat forum helps student with common problems and also the opportunity to work with tutors. An application for tablet and mobile devices is also available.
Calculus Resources
Calculus problems are known for being complex and difficult to solve. Many students get frustrated when they are unable to achieve the correct answer but cannot discover where in the process they made a mistake. Thanks to the many calculus websites that provide step-by-step solutions to sample problems, it’s easy to get extra practice while learning common places where mistakes are made. guides students through typical calculus problems and their step-by-step solutions. Students can better understand the process of solving calculus problems by practicing with the guidance of these solutions.
Exams with Solutions is ideal for a student who wants to practice for an upcoming calculus test. By completing the test and reviewing answers, students can feel more confident on test day.
U.C. Davis also offers practice exams from past classes, although solutions are not available. The more practice a student has in solving these problems, the more comfortable they will feel with calculus concepts overall.
I Love Calculus is a wealth of information to help calculus learners improve their skills. They include links for visual calculus and links to tutors.